In life there is a time for all things under the heavens. A time to rest, a time to work and a time to explore. It has been said that experiences are the only thing that you buy that you instantly get more in return. Experiences stay with us. Experiences are soley ours forever. No one can take away an experience that we have accumulated.
Life needs to be lived. It is so easy to get caught up in the grind; the mundane daily cycle of life. One of the best ways to get out of this trap, this cycle, is to go on an adventure. An adventure could be any adventure. You don't have to leave your city or village; you do have to spread out into the unknown around you though. Your adventure could be a hike around a new park, new woods, a new hobby to try, or a new way to experience something or someplace you have been before.
What is your next adventure going to be?
Do not let the Sun set on your dreams.